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Robert Bonamy


  • about this book...

    12.5 x 18.5 cm / 176 pages / January 2020

    isbn: 978-2-35137-280-7


    The texts gathered in this book (provoked by a few films by some of the leading contemporary filmmakers: Nicolas Klotz and Élisabeth Perceval, Tariq Teguia, Nathalie Nambot and Maki Berchache, the Boris Barnet group, Ghassan Salhab, Pierre Creton), deal with a series of cinematographic hypotheses knotted around a plural term: common. These films are not based on a scenario without bifurcations, a calculation, even less a program of which they would make a mechanical presentation. Rather, they constitute a series of outbursts, not without disorder, of fugues, which sketch out a kind of human and artistic fraternity. This book prefers openings, the plural of the commons and multiple forms of singularization, to the sole pursuit of singularity, however notable it may be.

    Cinémas en communs is driven by little more than hypotheses, little less than certainties: a desire.

    Of cinemas. Of commons.

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